Our Mission is to create an alternate economy for Lebanon

We leverage job opportunities made available by the global Diaspora to make Lebanon work.

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Who We Are

United by a deep sense of belonging, responsibility, and concern for Lebanon, Jobs for Lebanon provides a platform for The 16 million members of the Lebanese diaspora and global friends of Lebanon to hire talented Lebanese for remote or in-person work.

Our platform, powered by SmartRecruiters - the leading online recruitment platform, allows Employers to post jobs and hire candidates, while our recruitment software makes it easy to staff entire teams and support outsourcing projects to Lebanon.

December 2019
It all started as a conversation between two friends who were 300 miles apart ...
... but united in their concern for their country Lebanon.
What if we could create a platform that would connect the Lebanese diaspora with local Lebanese talent?
What we needed was a heartfelt campaign to get the message across, a recruiting product, and a way to reach to the global network.
January 2020
Turns out they were not the only ones desperate to find a solution to the economic crisis ravaging the country.
One month later, a team of 2 turned into a team of 40 volunteers dedicating their time and passion to the same cause.
February 2020
We started to work on the campaign and came up with the name: Jobs For Lebanon
Working in collaboration with SmartRecruiters, we adopted their platform to our needs, prepared our communications strategy, and produced a viral campaign.
March 2020
We set our eyes for launch on March 16th, working on all fronts. But in the midst of our excitement, our video got leaked on March 10th, and it spread like wildfire.
Before we knew it, people started creating jobs, and applying.
And by our actual launch, we found ...
Our initiative was met with such positivity that many reached out to offer their time and support.
This motivated us to build a network of volunteers on a global scale.
And on March 17th, one day after our official launch date, a job seeker contacted us to let us know ...
Jobs for Lebanon incorporated as a 501C3 Non-profit.
April 2020